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How much does it cost to be a member?Being member of Mt. Mamas is very simple. It only takes a yearly membership of $40 to be a member and be able to sign up for trips. If you want to just try something out, you can do a monthly membership for $5/mo. This helps us to pay for insurance costs and other yearly maintenance. If you would like to become a member please click here for more info.
How do I get onto the Mt Mama Facebook Page?Because we want to respect the privacy of our participants, Mt. Mamas is still a closed Facebook group. It is hard to find if you search for it on Facebook. As a result, the best way to join is to send us an email here. We can then email you an invite. You can also follow us on Instagram! @mtmamasutah (local trips) @utahadventuremamas (all things outdoors)
How many trips can I sign up for?You can sign up for as many trips as you want. Trip sign ups fill up fast so if you don't get in, you will be added to a waitlist. Most trips generally go through the full wait list (exception - canyoneering).
Can I bring a friend on trips?Yes. When you sign up for events, you will have the option to bring your friend on most trips. Add their name and phone number and we will contact them to add them. They will need to become a member to attend the event.
Can I bring my spouse or kids?For the beginner clinics, beginner, intermediate, extreme trips, and trainings, it is women only. However, we do have some family friendly trips, which will be indicated on our trip descriptions. Also, a youth hiking program will begin this summer 2023 and further programs in the future. More details on the Youth page. We will also begin "Day Dates" in 2023 where spouses, friends or partners are invited to attend with a monthly membership fee.
How do I know if I am on a trip or a waiting list?You will receive an email indicating whether you are on the waitlist or on the trip roster after you have signed up. If you have not received an email, please contact us at Your list of events should also be visible under your online profile.
How do I look up trips I have signed up for?When you go to our website there will be an option to LOG IN on the top right. Log in and go to your ACCOUNT. Then go the the EVENTS tab in your profile. It should show you past events that you have signed up for and future events that you have signed up for as well. If you have any questions, please send us an email at
What trips are first come and which ones are lottery?Lottery - Beginner Clinics and Extreme Trips due to high demand. They open up for signups quarterly: Dec (for Jan-March), March (Apr-June), June (July-Sept), Sept (Oct-Dec) First Come, First Served - All other trips (Beginner, Intermediate, Family, and Trainings) are posted the month before the activity on the 1st of the month 7pm. Ex: March trip - you sign up Feb 1st 7pm. Note - International, Family Trips, and Trainings may open up earlier for signups to help with early planning.
I am interested in becoming a guide. How does that process work?We are always looking for women to volunteer to teach and lead women to enhance their outdoor skills and knowledge. One of the main ways is through our Assistant Guide and Lead Guide programs. Check out the Guiding page for qualifications. Assistant Guides also need to have a current CPR/First Aid certification and Lead Guides will need a current Wilderness First Responder certification. If you would like to learn more about how to become an assistant guide or lead guide click here!
How do I donate to Mt Mamas Foundation?If you would like to donate to Mt. Mamas please click here! We have many ways that businesses and private donations can be made. We have sponsor opportunities and funding for membership scholarships. Our annual Silent Auction in March/April helps pay for Mt. Mama gear. If you would like more information email us at:
What does my donations support?You can specify what aspect of Mt Mamas you would like to support. We are always looking for assistance with gear donations, membership scholarships, support for administrative costs, and funding an endowment to keep Mt Mamas running for long term. All donations are greatly appreciated.
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