Sample Itinerary:
9-10:30 am - Hike
Directions: Vivian Park, Provo Cyn
Activity: Hiking - Provo Parkway - 0.24+ miles paved flat trail. We start at Vivan park and hike the paved trail downcanyon until you want to turn around and come back (for littles, there is a bench about 15-20 min down the trail perfect for snacks and a turnaround). There used to be a cool tunnel on the left side after the first bridge crossing, but it has been closed off. Explore the cool pondish pools on the side of the trail. All Trails Trip Report
Bathrooms - 1 pit toilet in the summer (sometimes not open in the spring)
Cell Reception - yes
Dogs - yes
Gear: 1 L water, snacks, hiking shoes, shorts/T-shirt, long sleeve, rain jacket, sunscreen, sunglasses, hat, backpack